
Hotel Suite Webview API

This project provides an API for the Hotel Suite webview, allowing interactive features to be added to applications running in the browser environment.


The project can be installed using npm (Node Package Manager). Install dependencies by running the following command in the project directory:

npm install @kalekilitonline/hotelsuite-lib-webview

Reference Documents

Please visit "https://developer.kalekilit.online" for detailed information and reference documents.


As the project runs in a browser environment, usage examples can only be demonstrated within a browser. Below is a simple usage example:

// Include the HotelSuiteWebview module in your project
const { HotelSuiteWebview } = require('@kalekilitonline/hotelsuite-lib-webview');

// Create an instance of HotelSuiteWebview
const hotelSuiteWebview = new HotelSuiteWebview();

// Add example event listeners
webviewApi.on("key-write", (data) => {
console.log("Key write event:", data);

webviewApi.on("key-read", (data) => {
console.log("Key read event:", data);

webviewApi.on("key-removed", (data) => {
console.log("Key removed event:", data);

// Example usage for the check-in process
const checkInData = {
// Required data for check-in
// ...

// For example, guest name
GuestName: "John Doe",

const queueId = hotelSuiteWebview.checkIn(checkInData);
console.log(`Check-in process initiated. Queue ID: ${queueId}`);

This project only runs in a browser environment and cannot be used in a native Node.js project. If you intend to use it outside of a browser, an appropriate browser API must be provided.

Below functions are expected to perform operations on the card reader when executed.

Run the function, place the card on the device, and wait until the operation is complete. A short beep sound will be heard upon successful completion. In case of a failed operation, a long beep sound will be heard.

Relevant feedback (key-write, ble-register) will be provided in both scenarios.

  • checkIn()
  • checkOut()
  • copyKey()
  • moveRoom()
  • updateReservation()

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